This solution enables our clients, in this case predominantly start-up hedge funds or execution brokers, to take advantage of a defined range of modules in a lighter packaged format.
Buy Side
Execution Brokers
Defined range of products
Full range of hosting options
Efficient cost and delivery
This solution enables our clients to receive a full technology suite on a lighter and more manageable basis, with a focus on streamlining costs and resources.
The solution has all of the relevant key components, from trading right through to allocations, with a defined level of connectivity based around their requirements. Clients would have access to the Celer Web Trader and would take advantage of competitive hosting arrangements enabling them to trade and efficiently manage their business needs.
Trading UI's
Matching and allocations module
Price and liquidity monitoring
Celer hosted
External hosting if required
Global approach
Links to a broad range of clearers and prime brokers
Access to analytics
Normalised trade details